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Welcome to Evans2ChemWeb, the interactive student guide to all levels of High School Chemistry in Scotland.

SSERC has again agreed to sponsor the site for the current session (Apr 2023 - Mar 2024). Thank you SSERC for your generosity from Chemweb, we are very grateful for the 14th consecutive year of sponsorship. I'm sure that all SSERC member schools will be grateful for their continued access to the site. Chemweb is very grateful for the time that SSERC sponsorship saves us with administration. Please scroll down the page to see what this means.

A new feature is being added that allows schools to create their own topics for the Broad General Education by selecting the appropriate experiences and outcomes. The site will then combine the appropriate revision notes into topic notes for schools to use with pupils across the 3 sciences. Work has already begun on some 3rd and 4th level revision notes, with more to come as time permits. The experiences and outcomes are also matched to the national benchmarks, illustrating the standard being met.

Another area of the site which may be of interest to departments is the Requisition program. This allows you to order your weekly needs for equipment/chemicals etc from the technicians. Items ordered are date-stamped and will avoid double booking. You can also save lesson plans and equipment lists for future years, saving time. The program is free to all registered schools and can be found in the teacherzone.

On this site you will be able to access revision material for National 3, National 4, National 5, Intermediate 2, Access 3, Standard Grade, Higher, Revised Higher, CfE Higher and Advanced Higher courses. You can also access online web-tests on each of the above courses.

Here's what some of ChemWeb's users have said about the site :

" We are very keen to have access to this brilliant pupil resource" - Calderside Academy.

" This site was excellent in getting me an A in my Int 2 chemistry and it's helping me be on track for my Higher and it's one of the few Advanced Higher course sites which I find useful as I hope to study that next year!" - Martin, Pupil.

" I love using this site, it is very helpful and I believe it will help me to pass Int2!!!" - Nicola, Pupil.

" .. excellent site and has proved very useful at encouraging home learning while cutting down on marking time, photocopying, printing and lost pieces of paper.." - Mr. E.Nind, Teacher.

" .. the website is, and always has been, a great resource .. thanks!.." - C.Ritchie, Teacher.

" A great and useful source of information, especially at exam times!!! It's quick and easy and constructed very well, a great effort in making this, thankyou!!!!:).." - Anonymous Pupil.

" This is such a useful website. I found that whenever I was stuck it would be my first resource.." - Rachel, Pupil.

" If I had to pay for this (Chemweb) I would .." - Anonymous Pupil (L**m).

" useful with my SG revision... has covered the aspect which I had dificulty understanding and now find it easier .... hoping with the help of this website I can achieve a 1 in my SG exam " - Bella, Pupil.

" this website has good information on it and its the thing you talk about in class so it's good revision, ..... has helped me a lot " - Anonymous Pupil.

" Evans2chemweb is a great resource and helped me a lot . Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!! " - Anonymous Pupil.

" .. the only resource I used to study Higher chemistry and I got an A band 1. Without this site I would have been lost. Thank you Evans2chemweb! " - Anonymous Pupil.

" The only resource I used for Intermediate 2 chemistry and I got a band 1 A! " - Anonymous Pupil.

You can see more comments on the Your comments page.

As this site contains many advanced features, you must ensure that your browser can cope with the information presented to it. Please check out the Browser details page to determine if your internet browser is suitable.

Please note that this site is still under construction and currently only a small selection of the proposed site is available - Keep checking back as new material is being added regularly.

If you are a Principal Teacher of Chemistry in Scotland and you wish to add your school to the list of registered users, please complete the APPLICATION FORM after reading the following Terms and conditions. We cannot accept applications from pupils/students.
To access the material on this site, please 'login' at the top of the page.



Science Year Evans² ChemWeb would like to thank SSERC for their continued sponsorship during this session which will allow us to offer this site as a resource to all Scottish local authority schools and other organisations that are members of SSERC without payment of subscription to us. For schools and colleges not members of SSERC, you will still be able to register for our site.
Schools who have not already registered with Evans2ChemWeb should complete the registration form to obtain a username and password. SSERC members will have no subscription fee after application.
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